Python divmod() Function

The divmod() function in Python, takes two arguments and returns the quotient and remainder value in the form of tuple, after dividing the first argument's value by second. For example:

x = divmod(10, 5)

x = divmod(100, 2.5)

x = divmod(10, 3)

The output would be:

(2, 0)
(40.0, 0.0)
(3, 1)

Python divmod() Function Syntax

The syntax of divmod() function in Python, is:

divmod(dividend, divisor)

Python divmod() Function Example

Here is an example demonstrating the divmod() function in Python. This program allows user to define the value of dividend and divisor, at run-time:

print("Enter the Dividend (Numerator): ", end="")
num = int(input())
print("Enter the Divisor (Denominator): ", end="")
den = int(input())

res = divmod(num, den)
print("\nQuotient =", res[0])
print("Remainder =", res[1])

The snapshot given below shows the sample run, with user input 20 as numerator and 6 as denominator:

python divmod function

Now the problem is, what if user wants to enter floating-point value for numerator and/or denominator ?
Therefore, we need to modify the above program in way to convert the input value to floating-point. This program also catches the exception raised while conversion using the try-except block, when user try to enter an input other than a number:

print("Enter the Dividend (Numerator): ", end="")
num = input()
print("Enter the Divisor (Denominator): ", end="")
den = input()

    num = float(num)
        den = float(den)
        res = divmod(num, den)
        print("\nQuotient =", res[0])
        print("Remainder =", res[1])
    except ValueError:
        print("\nInvalid Denominator Value!")
except ValueError:
    print("\nInvalid Numerator Value!")

Here is its sample run with user input 10 as numerator and fresherearth as denominator:

python divmod function example

Here is another sample run with user input 21 and 1.5:

python divmod function program

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