Python Built-in Functions

Since Python is a "time-effective" or "time-efficient" language. That is why, Python provides a lot of built-in functions that are pre-defined and can be used in the program to save a lot of time in doing the task.

Note: Each and every built-in functions defined here, includes at least one example program. Programs provided as example, are well-tested and executed.

List of All Built-in Functions in Python

Here are the list of built-in functions available in Python. If you want to learn any particular built-in function, then click on that function, otherwise continue following the Next Function button given below, for each built-in function article, to learn all built-in functions, one by one.

  1. abs()
  2. all()
  3. any()
  4. append()
  5. ascii()
  6. bin()
  7. bool()
  8. breakpoint()
  9. bytearray()
  10. bytes()
  11. callable()
  12. chr()
  13. classmethod()
  14. clear()
  15. close()
  16. compile()
  17. complex()
  18. copy()
  19. count()
  20. delattr()
  21. dict()
  22. dir()
  23. divmod()
  24. enumerate()
  25. eval()
  26. exec()
  27. extend()
  28. fileno()
  29. filter()
  30. float()
  31. flush()
  32. format()
  33. fromkeys()
  34. frozenset()
  35. getattr()
  36. get()
  37. globals()
  38. hasattr()
  39. hash()
  40. help()
  41. hex()
  42. id()
  43. index()
  44. input()
  45. insert()
  46. int()
  47. isatty()
  48. isinstance()
  49. issubclass()
  50. items()
  51. iter()
  52. join()
  53. keys()
  54. len()
  55. list()
  56. locals()
  57. map()
  58. max()
  59. memoryview()
  60. min()
  61. next()
  62. object()
  63. oct()
  64. open()
  65. ord()
  66. pop()
  67. popitem()
  68. pow()
  69. print()
  70. property()
  71. range()
  72. readable()
  73. read()
  74. readline()
  75. readlines()
  76. remove()
  77. replace()
  78. repr()
  79. reversed()
  80. reverse()
  81. round()
  82. seek()
  83. setattr()
  84. setdefault()
  85. set()
  86. slice()
  87. sorted()
  88. sort()
  89. split()
  90. staticmethod()
  91. str()
  92. sum()
  93. super()
  94. tell()
  95. truncate()
  96. tuple()
  97. type()
  98. update()
  99. vars()
  100. writeable()
  101. write()
  102. writelines()
  103. zip()

How Python built-in Functions Saves Time ?

For example, let's suppose we need a code in Python, to convert decimal to binary. Therefore, to save our time in writing unwanted number of statements, just use bin() function to do the job, as shown in the example given below:

x = 2454
b = bin(x)

The output is:


As you can see, the decimal number stored in x, is directly converted into its equivalent binary value using, of course, the function bin(). Imagine how much of your time is saved to write self-defined code to do the same task.

One of my friend uses built-in functions, most of the time because of his slow typing speed. I mean seriously 😀

One More Thing - Some built-in functions is necessary to learn such as print(), input(), read(), close() etc. to achieve its respective functions (works). Because, we can not create self-defined code for the task, these functions used for.

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