Python abs() Function

To find an absolute value of a number in Python programming, we need to use abs(). That is, the function abs() returns the absolute value of a number passed as its parameter.

Now the question is, what is an absolute number ?
The answer is, an absolute value is basically a modulus of a real number. Modulus in the sense, means a non-negative value.

Python abs() Function Example

The program given below uses abs() function, that returns an absolute value.

a = -10

Here is the sample output produced by above program:

python abs function

As you can see from the above program, the abs() function returns a non-negative equivalent of a value passed as its argument. Let's create another program:

a = 10
b = -10
c = 0
d = -10.43

print("---Without using abs() Function---")

print("\n---Using abs() Function---")

This time, the output produced by above program is:

abs function python

Key Notes on abs() Function in Python

Important - The abs() returns non-negative value, if argument passed or given is a real number.

Important - The abs() returns the magnitude part, if argument given is a complex number.

Now the question is, what is magnitude part of a complex number ?
The answer is, the magnitude part of a complex number, is the distance, the point is from origin of the complex plane. It is denoted by |a + bi|, is calculated by using the formula, |a + bi| = a2 + b2. For example, the magnitude part of complex number 3 - 4j is equal to:

√32 + 42
= √9 + 16
= √ 25
= 5

The example given below, shows the use of abs() function in complex number, or to find the magnitude part of a complex number.

abs() Function for Complex Number

Here is an example, uses abs() in Python uses complex number:

complex_number = (3-4j)

produces 5.0 on output screen.

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