Python bin() Function

The bin() function in Python returns the binary equivalent of a specified integer. For example:

x = 10

The output of this Python program, demonstrating the bin() function, is:


Note: The returned binary equivalent starts with 0b (prefix). That is, after 0b, the number, for example 1010 is the binary equivalent of a specified number, that is, 10 in this case.

Python bin() Function Syntax

The syntax of bin() function in Python is:


Note: The parameter val must be an integer. This parameter is required.

Python bin() Function Example

Here is an example of bin() function in Python. This program receives an integer from user at run-time of the program and prints the binary equivalent of entered integer value:

print("Enter a Number: ", end="")
num = int(input())
print("\nBinary Equivalent =", bin(num))

The snapshot given below shows the sample run of above program, with user input 5 as an integer value to find and prints its binary equivalent:

python bin function

Now the problem is, what if user enters an invalid input ?
Then we need to wrap the input() function inside a try block to catch the raised exception using the except block. Here is an example:

print("Enter a Number: ", end="")
    num = int(input())
    print("\nBinary Equivalent =", bin(num))
except ValueError:
    print("\nInvalid Input!")

Here is its sample run with user input fresherearth:

python bin function example

Note: The function bin() itself raises a TypeError exception when we pass any value other than an integer value. Therefore we need to handle this type of error too. Here is an example:

x = 43
    xbin = bin(x)
    print("\nBinary Equivalent of", x, "is", xbin)
except TypeError:
    print("\nInvalid Argument!")

The output would be:

Binary Equivalent of 43 is 0b101011

But if you change the value of x from 43 to some string or any thing other than integer like 54.66, then the output would be:

Invalid Argument!

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