Python in Keyword

The "in" keyword in Python is used when we need either:

  1. to check whether a particular value is available in a sequence such as a list, tuple, etc. or not.
  2. or to traverse a sequence in for loop

For example:

x = [12, 23, 65, 87]
if 23 in x:
    print("23 is available in the list 'x'")
    print("23 is not available in the list 'x'")

print("\nAll elements of list 'x':")
for e in x:

The output of the above program is shown in the screenshot below to show how the "in" keyword works in Python:

python in keyword

Note: Python is a case-sensitive language; therefore, keep both the letters of "in" in small letters.

Python in Keyword Example

Here is an example of the "in" keyword in Python:

x = (134, 54, 65, 67, 0, 23)
print("Enter a Number: ", end="")
num = int(input())
if num in x:
    print("\nThe number is available")
    print("\nThe number is not available")

print("\nEnter a String: ", end="")
str = input()
print("\nCharacters of given string are:")
for c in str:

A sample run with user input 66 as a number and Python as a string is shown in the snapshot given below:

python in keyword example

The "in" keyword can be thought of as a membership operator that returns True or False depending on whether or not the value is in the container.

Advantages of the "in" keyword in Python

Disadvantages of the "in" keyword in Python

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