- CSS Basics
- CSS Tutorial HomePage
- CSS Where to Write
- CSS Syntax
- CSS Selectors
- CSS Combinators
- CSS Attribute Selectors
- CSS Pseudo Classes
- CSS Pseudo-Classes
- CSS :link :hover :active
- CSS :first-child
- CSS :first-of-type
- CSS :last-child
- CSS :last-of-type
- CSS :only-child
- CSS :only-of-type
- CSS :nth-child()
- CSS :nth-of-type()
- CSS :nth-last-child()
- CSS :nth-last-of-type()
- CSS :focus
- CSS :not()
- CSS :root
- CSS :empty
- CSS :target
- CSS :lang()
- CSS :valid
- CSS :invalid
- CSS :optional
- CSS :required
- CSS :in-range
- CSS :out-of-range
- CSS :enabled :disabled
- CSS :read-only
- CSS :read-write
- CSS Pseudo Elements
- CSS Pseudo-Elements
- CSS ::before
- CSS ::after
- CSS ::first-letter
- CSS ::first-line
- CSS ::marker
- CSS ::selection
- CSS Colors
- CSS Colors
- CSS rgb() and rgba()
- CSS hsl() and hsla()
- CSS Background
- CSS background
- CSS background-color
- CSS background-image
- CSS linear-gradient()
- CSS radial-gradient()
- CSS conic-gradient()
- CSS repeating-linear-gradient()
- CSS repeating-radial-gradient()
- CSS repeating-conic-gradient()
- CSS background-position
- CSS background-size
- CSS background-repeat
- CSS background-origin
- CSS background-clip
- CSS background-attachment
- CSS background-blend-mode
- CSS Border
- CSS border
- CSS border-style
- CSS border-style Values
- CSS border-width
- CSS border-color
- CSS border-top
- CSS border-top-style
- CSS border-top-width
- CSS border-top-color
- CSS border-bottom
- CSS border-bottom-style
- CSS border-bottom-width
- CSS border-bottom-color
- CSS border-left
- CSS border-left-style
- CSS border-left-width
- CSS border-left-color
- CSS border-right
- CSS border-right-style
- CSS border-right-width
- CSS border-right-color
- CSS border-top-left-radius
- CSS border-top-right-radius
- CSS border-bottom-left-radius
- CSS border-bottom-right-radius
- CSS border-radius
- CSS border-collapse
- CSS empty-cells
- CSS border-spacing
- CSS border-image
- CSS border-image-source
- CSS border-image-slice
- CSS border-image-width
- CSS border-image-outset
- CSS border-image-repeat
- CSS Fonts
- CSS font
- CSS font-style
- CSS font-variant
- CSS font-variant-caps
- CSS font-weight
- CSS font-size
- CSS line-height
- CSS font-family
- CSS font-stretch
- CSS font-kerning
- CSS font-face
- CSS font-feature-settings
- CSS Text
- CSS Text
- CSS color
- CSS text-decoration
- CSS text-decoration-line
- CSS text-decoration-color
- CSS text-decoration-style
- CSS text-underline-position
- CSS text-align
- CSS text-align-last
- CSS text-justify
- CSS letter-spacing
- CSS word-spacing
- CSS text-shadow
- CSS text-transform
- CSS white-space
- CSS text-indent
- CSS word-wrap
- CSS overflow-wrap
- CSS word-break
- CSS text-overflow
- CSS hyphens
- CSS direction
- CSS unicode-bidi
- CSS writing-mode
- CSS Padding & Margin
- CSS Box Model
- CSS padding
- CSS padding-top
- CSS padding-right
- CSS padding-bottom
- CSS padding-left
- CSS margin
- CSS margin-top
- CSS margin-right
- CSS margin-bottom
- CSS margin-left
- CSS Padding Vs Margin
- CSS Dimensions
- CSS Dimensions
- CSS height
- CSS max-height
- CSS min-height
- CSS width
- CSS max-width
- CSS min-width
- CSS overflow
- CSS overflow-x
- CSS overflow-y
- CSS Multi-Column Layout
- CSS Multi-Column Layout
- CSS columns
- CSS column-width
- CSS column-count
- CSS column-rule
- CSS column-rule-width
- CSS column-rule-style
- CSS column-rule-color
- CSS column-span
- CSS column-fill
- CSS Display
- CSS display
- CSS inline Vs block
- CSS inline Vs inline-block
- CSS flex Vs inline-flex
- CSS inline-flex Vs inline-block
- CSS flex Vs grid
- CSS grid Vs inline-grid
- CSS Float and Position
- CSS float
- CSS clear
- CSS Align
- CSS position
- CSS left
- CSS right
- CSS top
- CSS bottom
- CSS Style List Marker
- CSS Style List Marker
- CSS list-style
- CSS list-style-type
- CSS list-style-position
- CSS list-style-image
- CSS Outline
- CSS outline
- CSS outline-width
- CSS outline-style
- CSS outline-color
- CSS outline-offset
- CSS Effects
- CSS Effects
- CSS Gradients
- CSS Shadows
- CSS box-shadow
- CSS opacity
- CSS Transforms
- CSS transform
- CSS translateX()
- CSS translateY()
- CSS translateZ()
- CSS translate()
- CSS translate3d()
- CSS scaleX()
- CSS scaleY()
- CSS scaleZ()
- CSS scale()
- CSS scale3d()
- CSS rotateX()
- CSS rotateY()
- CSS rotateZ()
- CSS rotate()
- CSS rotate3d()
- CSS skewX()
- CSS skewY()
- CSS skew()
- CSS matrix()
- CSS matrix3d()
- CSS perspective() Function
- CSS perspective Property
- CSS perspective-origin
- CSS transform-style
- CSS transform-origin
- CSS 2D Transform
- CSS 3D Transform
- CSS Transition
- CSS transition
- CSS transition-property
- CSS transition-duration
- CSS transition-timing-function
- CSS transition-delay
- CSS Animation
- CSS animation
- CSS @keyframes
- CSS animation-name
- CSS animation-duration
- CSS animation-timing-function
- CSS animation-delay
- CSS animation-iteration-count
- CSS animation-direction
- CSS animation-fill-mode
- CSS animation-play-state
- CSS Grid Layout
- CSS Grid Layout
- CSS gap
- CSS column-gap
- CSS row-gap
- CSS grid-area
- CSS grid-column-start
- CSS grid-column-end
- CSS grid-row-start
- CSS grid-row-end
- CSS grid-template
- CSS grid-template-columns
- CSS grid-template-rows
- CSS grid-template-areas
- CSS grid-auto-columns
- CSS grid-auto-rows
- CSS grid-auto-flow
- CSS grid-column
- CSS grid-row
- CSS Template Layout
- CSS Flex Layout
- CSS FlexBox
- CSS flex-direction
- CSS flex-wrap
- CSS flex-flow
- CSS justify-content
- CSS align-content
- CSS align-items
- CSS flex-grow
- CSS flex-shrink
- CSS flex-basis
- CSS flex
- CSS align-self
- CSS order
- CSS Misc
- CSS Length Units
- CSS Style Link
- CSS Navigation Bar
- CSS Style Image
- CSS Style Tables
- CSS table-layout
- CSS caption-side
- CSS Create Frames
CSS Tutorial
CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets, used to define how a document written in markup language (HTML) should be presented on the web. For example:
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <style> body{margin: 0;} .myContainer {display: grid; grid-template-areas: 'h h h h' 'n n n n' 'm c c c' 'f f f f';} #myHeader {grid-area: h; background-color: mediumseagreen; color: white; padding: 18px 0; text-align: center; font-size: large;} #myNavBar{grid-area: n; background-color: purple; color: whitesmoke;} #myMenu {grid-area: m; margin-top: -15px;} #myContent {grid-area: c; padding: 4px 12px;} #myFooter {grid-area: f; background-color: mediumseagreen; color: white; padding: 18px 0; text-align: center; margin-top: -15px;} #myHeader{display: inline;} .company{float: left; padding-left: 14px;} .search{float: right; padding-right: 14px;} .search input{width: 80px; border-radius: 10px; padding: 4px 6px; margin-right: 8px; background-color: mediumaquamarine; border: 2px solid white;} #myNavBar ul{list-style-type: none; background-color: purple; overflow: hidden; margin: 0; padding: 0;} #myNavBar li{float: left;} #myNavBar li a{display: block; color: white; text-decoration: none; padding: 12px;} #myNavBar li a:hover{background-color: aliceblue; color: purple;} #myNavBar .right{float: right;} #myMenu ul{list-style-type: none; background-color: #ccc; padding: 0; text-align: center;} #myMenu li a{display: block; text-decoration: none; padding: 12px; color: brown;} #myMenu li a:hover{background-color: aliceblue; color: purple;} </style> </head> <body> <div class="myContainer"> <div id="myHeader"> <div class="company">fresherearth</div> <div class="search"> <input type="text">Search </div> </div> <div id="myNavBar"> <ul> <li><a href="#">Home</a></li> <li><a href="#">Services</a></li> <li class="right"><a href="#">Prices</a></li> <li><a href="#">Contact</a></li> <li><a href="#">About</a></li> </ul> </div> <div id="myMenu"> <ul> <li><a href="#">Link One</a></li> <li><a href="#">Link Two</a></li> <li><a href="#">Link Three</a></li> <li><a href="#">Link Four</a></li> <li><a href="#">Link Five</a></li> <li><a href="#">Link Six</a></li> </ul> </div> <div id="myContent"> <h2>Some Heading</h2> <p>Some myContent</p> <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Officia architecto quibusdam deserunt aspernatur quaerat eum, vero ullam rerum dicta illum?</p> </div> <div id="myFooter">Footer</div> </div> </body> </html>
Now if I remove all the CSS codes from above example, then the output should be:
See how boring the presentation of the same document, but without CSS, looks like.
Important - Please do not worry about the CSS codes written in above example. You will learn all those properties one by one. My only purpose to create that example, is to show you, how CSS is used in designing an HTML document.
Mandatory Information about CSS
The filename extension of CSS is .css
CSS was developed by World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), initially released on the date 17th of December, 1996.
For Whom is this CSS Tutorial Designed?
This tutorial is designed for both beginners and advance level CSS developer.
CSS Topics for Beginner Level CSS Developer
- Where to Write CSS Code?
- How to Write CSS Code?
- How to Select HTML Elements?
- Combined Selectors
- Attribute Selectors
- Select using Pseudo-Classes
- Select using Pseudo-Elements
- Color Names in CSS
- Style the background
- Create a border
- Change the font
- Style the Text
- Dimensions
- Float Element to Left/Right
- Align Content to Desired Location on the Web
- Define the Position of an Element
- Style List Marker
- Style Link
- Style Navigation Bar
- Style Tables
- Valid Length Units in CSS
CSS Topics for Advance Level CSS Developer
- Define How an Element should Render
- Multi-Column Layout Model
- Create Line Outside the Border
- Define Effects
- Gradient Effects
- Define Shadows
- Define opacity
- Transform an Element
- Transform an Element in 2-Dimension
- Transform an Element in 3-Dimension
- Apply Transition Effect
- Create Animation on the Web
- Grid Layout Model
- FlexBox Model
Note - The CSS tutorial, I have designed over here, is not limited to above topics. These are the list of some famous topics, that beginners and advance level CSS developers can directly visit to start the tutorial.
Otherwise, from upcoming article, by clicking on the Next Tutorial button/link provided right after this article, you will learn all the CSS topics and/or properties, one by one along with example.
Best Part of This Tutorial
The best part of this tutorial is, I've included at least one example in each and every topics, to provide the convenient way to learn the things about CSS, easily and practically. So start the tutorial, using the Next Tutorial button/link given below.
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