TCS Ninja Interview Experience
Location: Virtual
Month: November 2020
Batch : 2021
Rounds :
1. Online Test
2. Technical Round
3. Managerial Round
4. HR Round
Technical Round:
1) Tell me about yourself ?
2) Difference between complier and interpreter.
3) If we write a C program that doesnot contain main() function will it compile?
4) Where do we use static ?
5) What are pointers ?
6) What is pointer to pointer ?
7) Advantages of pointers.
8) Global and local variables.
9) What is recursion ?
10) Call by reference and call by value.
11) malloc() and calloc() and how many arguments do these take ?
12) Difference between array and structures ?
13) What do you know about file handling in C ?
14) Write any program that you like using recursion ?
15) Write a program to check prime numbers ?
16) Where do we use auto ?
17) Any other languages or skills that you are confident in ?
I said i have a fairly good knowledge of analog electronics
18) She said no, any programming languages ?
then I said "javascript basics "
19) Is JS case sensitive ?
20) Difference between jscript and javascript
21) What do you know about DOM ?
22) Difference between === and ==
23) Write a script to print an array.
HR Round:
1) What do you know about TCS ?
2) What are your weaknesses ?
3) Are you fine with relocation ?
4) Any questions for me ?