TCS Ninja Interview Experience
Location: Virtual
Month: November 2020
Batch : 2021
Rounds :
1. Online Test
2. Technical Round
3. Managerial Round
4. HR Round
Technical Round :
1) Tell me about yourself ?
2) What are the projects you have done ?
3) What is your role in that project ?
4) Quetions related to the role in the project( My role is Data base management ).
5) Write a query for creating table with three different fields.
6) Write a query to add and update a column into a table.
7) What is the struct and write a code for that.
8) Difference between union and struct.
9) Write a code for Break and Continue in for loop and what is the difference between them.
10) Languages in SQL and discribe them completely.
11) What is ACID properties and explain them.
12) What is Primary key and foreign key.
13) Difference between Primary key and Unique key.
14) What is Join and types of joins?
15) Write a query for joining two tables and explain it.
16) How do you rate yourself in C and C++ ?
Managerial Round :
1) Do you have any active backlogs ?
2) Do you have any higher study plans?
3) What do you know about TCS ?
HR Round :
1) Show your 10th, 12th, B-tach marksheet by sharing your screen.
2) Who is current CEO of TCS ?
3) your 10th class passing year.
4) Any quetions ?