TCS Ninja Interview Experience

Location: Bhopal
Month: August 2019
Batch : 2020
Rounds :
1. Online Test
2. Technical Round
3. Managerial Round
4. HR Round
Technical Round:
Interviewer asked, "So, your name is Narender and you are from EC branch". I replied, "Yes Sir!" then I
briefly introduced myself as they told me to do so. After that, the first technical thing that they
asked is to explain my project.
Then they asked technical questions in "C Language" like:-
1) What do you know about storage classes?
-There are four storage classes in C and I was able to tell three of them.
2) Then they asked the difference between Array and List, yeah it was List not exactly linked list
but any list.
-I had some knowledge about an ideal List in general so I was able to make few points like
i) List is memory efficient, during run-time of a program we can reserve or release memory as per
our need but Array size is fixed so there can be a problem of memory wastage or shortage in Array.
ii) But if we talk about speed Array is faster than List.
iii) Array required contiguous memory allocation whereas Lined-list can have random memory
3) then they asked about OOPs.
-I said that I don't know about it in details but I have some idea about few OOPs concepts like
Abstraction, Inheritance and Polymorphism etc but I am learning it.
4) Last technical question they asked is- "Do you know about Computer Network?".
I said I'm
about to learn but now I don't know.
The technical round was over and I was feeling satisfied that I was able to answer the question I had in
my knowledge.
Managerial Round:
Then the Managerial round started, the first thing the Managerial HR asked is that
1. do I have knowledge about trending and future technologies.
- I answered yes and told that AI and Machine Learning are the trending technologies.
2. So, he asked, "What is Machine Learning?".
- I answered in very simple words "It is something that can predict the result or future outcome on
given input data".
3. Then the next question came which was very tricky and here I lost my confidence and the
question was "Suppose you become the head of AI department, what product will you make for our
organization that is beneficial for common people?".
- I became very much nervous that what am
I going to answer. I thought little-bit and answer "I'll build AI soldiers to fight in the battlefield
for our country".
4. He asked, "Then what will our soldiers will do?".
- I was blank, then he tried to make me calm-down as I was very much anxious and said, "Think
a bit and answer". Then a new idea appeared in my mind and I proposed "We can develop AI enable
Ambulance that can fly also. So, in case of emergency instant help can be provided to the patient".
After this answer he just passed me for the HR round.
HR Round:
1. So, here again, I was asked for my Introduction.
So I gave my introduction.
2. After that he asked, "Give me three reasons to hire you?".
At this point of time, my throat became dry but somehow I was able to answer after two tries.
Here I would like to mention, I have done good research about History, Products, Chairman and CEO etc of
TCS and I was able to make few good points how the company is doing good for the people. The interview
was about to over but at last, I did a funny thing unknowingly, the HR asked whether I know about the
salary and bond or not. Here I tried to be smart and replied: "Sir, actually my primary focus is to
learn the work and all so I don't know about it".
3.Then he asked "So, would you work for free for TCS"?
Here again, I became blank and said "Yes", they all laugh but I added, "Until my college is not
over I can work for free".
At last the HR explained to me about the salary, shift etc. and my Interview over. I was